Headmaster Not Eaten


While not a travel book, this is a story about James Farrell’s travels in over 30 countries during his working life. James has an uncanny way of seeing the oddities and eccentricities in everyday life in foreign countries. The result is a humorous collection of anecdotes, gleaned over many years. Beautifully written, the book is a great pleasure to read.


  • Title: Headmaster Not Eaten
  • Published by: Jabiru Publishing
  • Year of publishing: 2015
  • Book format: Paperback
  • Pages: 394 pages, 16 illustrations
  • ISBN: 9780992323769

James Farrell

James Farrell has worked as an educationalist, first in primary teaching in Perth, Australia, followed by teacher training in Papua New Guinea, studying in the United States and lecturing at the Brisbane College of Advanced Education (now part of Griffith University). Following his “retirement” in 1989, his employers were the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, UNESCO and the German and Australian governments.

James has worked in 33 different countries, providing a wide range of consultancy contexts: from the ease of Swaziland to the discomfort of Albania; and from the placidity of post-Amin Uganda to the risks of the Northwest Frontier of Pakistan.

His next book, based on his extensive travel and work experiences, has the intriguing title of “Headmaster Not Eaten”. The book will be published early in 2015.